Tuesday, 12 February 2008

You're silly!

Han, you should know me by now, i am seriously not gonna think anything bad of my best bud having a bad day am i? i thought us cooking together was kinda cool anyway! I may be a "guest" to you but i'd say more of temporary fixtures and fittings coz stayin with u feels homely anyway!

So to carry on the story from sat night.

After Brampton Hut we came back and hit the hay.

Sunday we went to RP and then to tesco's followed by a yummy yummy pizza hut. We then came home, started to watch wedding daze. Chris came home and we looked at his pics from his time in York (he was v v excited to show us). We then went to lead the youth group which was fun (while chris caught up with his sleep).

We went to someones house for drinkies but i forget who's.

When we came back we had beans on toast and watched wedding daze.

Yesterday (being monday).... ok, u just buzzed the doorbell coz ur home from work (yay) but i'll carry on anyway... Monday, u left for work and i watched some jeremy kyle cant remember the topics though. I went to meet serena in town. I got a bit lost on the way to the interchange and we somehow ended up in MK!! (blaming sat nav for that one hehe) We did find our way in the end and i got u a cool organic top. We then went into town and i got u some cool music socks, chis a soup book and me some bits and bobs. Sarge phoned me while i was in town and he would like to meet up on thurs - fri... wil have to think about this!

I came home just before you got in from workies and we just chilled for a bit. We then had a really yum dinner "throw n 'ope" the best in the world!

Today you left before i was awake which i felt really mean about. I went to tesco coz i wanted to get some screen wash stuff for the inside of the car. I got chris some muesli coz there was none left. After then, i phoned mummy n daddy re dodgy handbrake on car and to check it was ok for me to have it another day to visit sarge. Mummy said daddy will sort out carage and is really enthusiastic about me stopping at sarges... see, doesnt want me back home hehe! I phoned reg at the pub to see if i could have the night off on thurs, he was really sweet and said yep.

I went and cleaned the car coz it was lovely and sunny outside.I then came in and chris left to play tennis. I signed online to check e-mails and lauren was online so we met up for an hour or so. She wants me to help with her choreography work coz she hates dance hehe.

I then came home and chris had put the dinner on (smells really really yummy). We are going to the pics tonight with caroline and i forgot to tell him so big oops!

me and Chris were chatting for a while and then you came home from work... YIPPEE! (missed you today - Lauren was asking after u and said you're really sweet). Her house is HUUUUGE and they get really really good deal on rent) all bedrooms are as big (if not bigger) than my old room in bedford house)!

Anyway. I'm gonna stop being anti sociable and actually socialise now hehe.

Love as ever before!

Kewey out.xxxxx

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